The FDI and its partners gathered to improve Digital Inclusion

The FDI and its partners gathered to improve Digital Inclusion

2 March 2022

To start the year, the Foundation for Digital Inclusion organised a round table with its associative partners. These are essential to the distribution of smartphones and tablets to their public who are vulnerable to the digital divide. The day’s objectives were to develop the selection criteria of the beneficiaries, to improve the supervision of the donations and to discuss about the potential risks abuses. The day was a real success with many interesting ideas coming out of it.   

L’attribut alt de cette image est vide, son nom de fichier est TableRonde2022-7-retouchee-768x1024.jpg.

The round table was organised in order to allow the stakeholders to meet each other. It also was the opportunity to discuss about challenges they share, despite their different beneficiaries. A real synergy is being created between the stakeholder working to reduce the digital divide and offer access to digital for all. Indeed, the exchange of good practices during the day allowed the associations to have a better view of the other’s concerns and to be inspired by their solutions.  

Five associations were present: EQLA, SOS Jeunes, Croix-Rouge Belgique, La Plateforme Citoyenne/BXL Refugees and finally HOBO which was kind enough to host the first edition of this round table.

This event, organised by the Foundation for Digital Inclusion, is intended to be renewed and expanded in order to work ever more broadly and effectively for digital inclusion!  

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Have a question? You want to donate a smartphone and/or a tablet for people in need? Contact us

Do you want to contribute to a more just and inclusive digital society? Make a donation   

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